is200extbg2a ge励磁机端子板extb板 系列-尊龙凯时app

is200extbg2a ge励磁机端子板extb板 系列
发布者:sh0024  发布时间:2023-10-19 22:23:52


配套服务is200extbg2a ge励磁机端子板extb板系列

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is200extbg2a板是extb板系列中的第二个励磁机端子板 , extb g2型号是单工控制型号,通常用于接触器模式。该型号与ex2100系列中的其
他几款主板配合使用。extb板与edex板配合使用 , edex板用于激发灭磁,需要extb模型来帮助激发灭磁。
is200extbg2a板的表面有十个继电器,但该板最多可容纳十三个继电器。板上的继电器标记为c、m1或m2连接。extb型号通常 有三种类型的电
容,分别是陶瓷电容、电解电容和箱式电容。extb型号通过ebkp背板连接到emio板。 在is200extbg2a板的表面上,有七个母插头连接器,三
个是三位插头, -个是两位插头, -个是六位插头,一个是 _位插头。

product description
the is200extbg2a board is the second exciter terminal board in the series of extb boards, the extb g2 model is a simplex
control model, and is typically used in contactor mode. this model is used in conjunction with several other boards within the
ex2100 series. the extb board is used with the edex board, the edex board is used to fire de-excitation, and needs the extb model to
help fire the de-excitation.
the is200extbg2a board has ten relays on the surface of the board, but the board can hold up to thirteen relays. the relays on
the board are marked as c, m1, or m2 connections. there are typically three types of capacitors attached to the extb models which are
ceramic, electrolytic, and box capacitors. the extb model connects to the emio board through the ebkp backplane. on the surface of
the is200extbg2a board, there are seven female plug connectors, three are three-position plugs, one two-position plug, one
six-position plug, and one twelve-position plug.
for information regarding the installation and operation of the is200extbg2a board refer to the geh-6632 manual, information
regarding the extb board can be found on page forty-nine.

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